Aww so cute! I miss having kitties.
Not an awesome pic, but a cool car...If you look closely, you can see props from the movie.
The sign on the side says:
Flux Dispersal
Do not enter
What the hell is this? I'm not really sure I want to know. I saw this on the trail where Apollo and I hike during the week. It was about two inches long, maybe 2 1/2 inches.
We had rain most of the weekend which pretty much ruined my outdoorsy plans. I got a little shopping done Saturday. Sunday, the morning was dry so Apollo and I went for a two-hour hike. About 15 minutes after we got back home, it started to pour. Good timing. Monday, it drizzled on and off all day. I noticed that there was a small car show near me, at a biker bar and decided to go. Apollo and I walked down to it and while I snapped some photos, he got tons of attention. Heaven for him! Little did I know that I had forgotten to put the memory card in the camera!
Well after I got back to my apt, I realized and went back down to reshoot, but alas, they were winding up for the day.
Most of the cars at the show were vintage roadsters, some cars had upgrades, some were true to the original design. One very old, rusted car, I noticed was sitting in a different lot across the street. I asked someone who seemed to know his stuff why it wasn't here with the other cars, and the gist of it was: The owner of that car gutted it and replaced it with anachronistic parts. Like plastic skull for the shift knob. So they effectively banned him/the car from being a part of the show. Haha! I like these guys.
today, he'd be going:
"Foodlady, I'm hot. Fix it!"
"Foodlady, make the thunder stop!"
"Foodlady, stop working and make me feel better!"
"Foodlady, I don't like my water, I'm going to drink from the toilet bowl, k?"
"Foodlady, the air INSIDE is MOVING! It's ARMAGEDDON!"
Our first 90 degree day. Two days ago, it was 60.
Poor Apollo's phobia of thunderstorms seems to be getting worse as he gets older. He used to sleep through them.
He kept trying to climb through my legs to underneath the desk and twice tried to get behind the desk and almost knocked over my computer monitor and lamp - wires back there.
I had the water bowl by the fridge, I think because that area of the room doesn't get much air, it was too warm.
For some reason, Apollo freaks out if the wind blows into the apt. Dunno why. He's fine if we're outside.
My big ol' baby.
In the chrome, you can see Apollo and me reflected at least five times. Maybe six...
I am in love with classic cars. One day I will own one. In meanwhile, I just enjoy ogling them. This hulking beast is sexy! Look at the curves and the lines!
Whether on residential roads or highways, most people go exactly the speed limit. Precisely. If the sign says the speed limit is 60, they go 60.
It's quite a switch from DC. In DC if you go at the speed limit, you're going too slow. Driving at anywhere between 5 and 20 mph over the limit is normal on highways - residential roads, people are a little more conservative. Cops, most of the time, won't pull you over unless you're driving like a loon or going over that 20 barrier.
For the first few days I lived here, I kept wondering if there was an accident up ahead or something. Why the hell were we going so slow? I don't know if the fines are higher here or what. Maybe it's just different society's norms.
I've shot a few thousand pictures in the past year. Know what I said to myself yesterday?
"I don't have enough pictures!"
The absurdity of that statement made me laugh at myself. Despite the number of photos eating up memory on my hard drive, I'm extremely picky and most are just "satisfactory" and not worth using professionally. I do have a few excellent pictures squirreled away though, thinking they'd be good addition to the portfolio for my future photog Web site.
Anyway, a few weeks ago, I decided that copy writing would hopefully be a more successful venture and that I would focus on it first, before photography. This month, I'm working on putting together a portfolio displaying sample works for copy writing and to make it easier on myself, I'm using my own images as part of the ad campaigns. I'm a terrible graphic designer, so doing abstract art for ads, logos, etc, is out of the question. It'd take me too long. When I have a few samples I'm satisfied with, I'll set up a Web site. I'll feel a lot better having a nice online setup that I can refer future clients to.
I'm really liking this working for myself gig. It's scary not having the job security, but I was never cut out for the 9-to-5. It's a pity I didn't realize this sooner. I'm happy that I took this risk despite the economy and that I went for it before turning 25 (again) instead of waiting for a better opportunity to fall into my lap. Life's too short to waste it in a cubicle farm.
I try to avoid posting flower images because they are pretty easy for most people. Why shoot something that anyone else can too?
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