December 21, 2008

Hopping around DC

Went out last night with a friend.

First, we went to the Arlington Cemetery because someone misunderstood a news article and thought the entire cemetery would have wreathes on the gravestones.

Then I said, hey, I haven't seen the 9/11 memorial yet. So we went up there.

Taken with my cell phone

Then we headed over to the White House lawn where we thought the Christmas Tree was...It wasn't - it was on the Mall. Oops. After wandering around a bit, we found it.
Taken with my cell phone

Then we decided to get a late dinner. After some hoofing, we found a restaurant, Ceiba. We were definitely underdressed, but went in anyway. With one look at us, we got seated at a table near the kitchen. Lovely.

I ordered this: ""Hot Lava Stone" Queso Fundido" - Shaved Ribeye Steak, Poblano Chilis, Oaxacan Cheese
That wrapped up our evening.

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