July 20, 2009

Hilarious Monday

I haven't really blogged much lately. That's mainly because I've been occupied with boring stuff. You know...looking for freelance work.

I reassessed my finance over the weekend, and I don't have enough moolah to last the rest of the year. Which I expected, but had hoped wouldn't be the case. So after my folks visit this week, I'll be rejoining the workforce, at least part-time to help stretch out the bucks. Disclaimer for the family that read this: I'm fine, really. Just being smart.


I'll probably look for something really local (read: walking distance) so that I don't have to drive. Greener, easier on my car, etc, etc. Also am going to look for a weekend job as a photographer assistant or second shooter. All the while still continuing to work on freelance writing. So I'll basically have three jobs. Or four, if you count the etsy gig. I'm so looking forward to the taxes next spring...not. By my count, I'll have had 4 taxable jobs this year (etsy is excluded for the time being because it hasn't generated enough income to trigger the tax factor).

Speaking of. My Etsy shop is open, although all it has currently is about 10 different cards. If anyone hears a friend or acquaintance wants a custom card, pass the link on! jenniferannphotos.etsy.com If you have an etsy account and like what you see, please "heart" the account. I'm told that it helps give a shop a little extra credibility. I am going to advertise this and my writing service on a few sites, hopefully that'll drum up some business too.

That's about all the news on this end.

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