It's an idle fantasy of mine to open the perfect rock-climbing gym in an old warehouse (or better yet, an old Ikea store). It'd have state of art features without being obnoxious about it.
The facility would have:
- "Smart" Cameras - not only to function as security, but also to keep an eye on climbers so that if anyone had an accident, there's no need for the climbers to run to the front desk. The camera/computer would alert the staff immediately. An added bonus - it could take snapshots of people climbing and staff would either sell them (like at theme parks) or display somewhere on a digital wall.
- Self-belayer system - so that the climbers who don't have a partner could climb. This already exists, but most gyms don't have this.
- Computer matching program for climbers - enter information about times when you climb, your skill level, age, and so on, and the program matches you up with other compatiable climbers to trade belay with ( for climbers, romance optional).
- Magically cleaned shoes for rent - anyone who has rented shoes will appreciate this.
- Regularly-changed routes - 'nuff said (climbers will know what this is about).
- A state of art gym
- A very-separate area for classes, kiddy parties, and so on.
- A very thorough training session for the new folks. None of that "Ok, you know how to tie a knot, off you go" brushoff.
- Digital climbing wall and simulated weather conditions - want to pretend you're climbing a frozen waterfall? The digital wall can be changed to mimic a waterfall while following the same contours the real wall has, along with an occasional cold gust of wind or fake snow. Crude version of a holodeck ala Star Trek. More feasible: hire an artist to paint the walls so it looks like real rock.
- ???
1 Comments (Click here to comment):
Did you hit the lottery and not let anyone know? Good ideas all, though.
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