February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

A couple almost unblurry photos. These are a little grainy because I cropped and enlarged so y'all could, y'know, see the moon. I knew the eclipse was tonight, but was watching tv..at 10 O'clock, got up to take Apollo out for a potty break, and saw that the lunar eclipse was well underway. Ack! Initially I thought it was past the peak.

Fortunately, I was wrong...Apollo and I spent about 40 minutes waiting for it to peak. And at twenty-of, Apollo looked up at me and shivered. This is the guy who LOVES being outside in the cold. I guess being outside for 30-40 minutes in 15 degree weather was too much for him. It certainly was for me - my fingers and toes were very numb by that point. So we packed it up and headed back in.

1 Comments (Click here to comment):

alicia marie February 21, 2008 at 10:32 PM  

I wish I would have remembered that it was an eclipse....darnit! Thanks for the pictures!

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