December 29, 2007

Almost New Year's!

With two consecutive short weeks and one of my coworkers being out, it's been insane at work. I come home and collapse. All I could manage to do is take Apollo on semi-satisfactory walks. I had hoped to use the Christmas break to rest up but it wasn't very relaxing. But it's almost over! And this weekend will be relaxing. I hope to get some more photographs up on here tonight/tomorrow.

New Year's, for me, is probably the most important holiday. I've almost always spent it alone, during my adulthood, and I enjoy it immensely. It's a time of boozing, eating and introspective pondering. I use this time to reflect on the past years and decide on my plans for the next year.

Expect a (boring?) post on that in the next few days.

Here's a couple photos in payment.

*snicker* Love his expression in this yawn.
Finally! Apollo's finished bed!

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